Saturday, December 21, 2013


I played tennis with our group.
I went to church at Trinity, my former pastor who normally attends there spoke at Living Hope, which I didn't know before hand or I would have gone there.  A was able to listen to his sermon online.
I tennis played tennis with our group afterward Robin and I went to someone's house from the group for a party.
Robin and I went to church at Emmanuel Bible Church and ate at Chicago's Home of Chicken and Waffles II.
I went to the men's breakfast at Living Hope and came early and was able to go pick someone up and drop them off.
I did offering and communion at Living Hope.  Robin and I finished 'Promised Land (2012 film).'
I went to church at Saint Dominic Church. Robin and I started 'Promised Land (2012 film).'
Robin and I went to her sister's and also saw her brother-in-law and nephew.